Hear here my Brave New Words!

* Are you aware that your elected rulers are lying to you?
They are, but that´s not the worst part. They are also – some of them possibly from ignorance and in good faith – robbing you of your money, of your health and even of your life, definitely of your future and the future of your children and grandchildren if you have any. And this is occurring on many fronts and on many levels. Today I will only bring up a couple of them, but I intend to discuss more of them in future blogposts.

* Are you aware that all the wars raging in the world are totally unnecessary? That they are intentionally provoked and maintained by those in power for a combination of several different purposes. The principal ones are to gather illegal control over important resources (mostly oil) and strategic areas, to reduce the world population (yes, really!), and to make obscene personal or corporate profits by acquiring assets of other countries, by selling weapons to both sides in the wars and conflicts, and by rebuilding what has been destroyed with the weapons. Those obscene profits are largely paid for out of tax money paid by you and other ordinary citizens.

Former US president George W. Bush told the late president of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, in a private conversation that “there is no better way to put life into a weak economy, than a war”. Which shows how twisted the present value system is: To produce weapons that kill and destroy and that waste resources that could have been used for food, housing, health care, education and recreation, is seen as positive for the economy.

* Are you aware that US military spending of borrowed money exceeds a trillion dollars a year – roughly equal to what ALL the other countries in the world TOGETHER are spending on their defence.

Yesterday, the US national debt was estimated at some 14.5 trillion dollars, or 130,000 dollars pr taxpayer.

This kind of improductive military spending is an unfailing way to cause inflation. And you do know what inflation means, don´t you? – That the government is covertly robbing the population plus its foreign lenders (investors in US government bonds) – of hard earned money that is rightfully theirs. How? – Because the day they need to spend their money, higher prices will buy them much less real value in the form of goods and services than when they earned or invested it. Whatever financial lingo you may apply to camouflage it, it´s a form of robbery or fraud.

Inflation occurs when a country´s money volume grows faster than the amount of goods and services that can be bought with it. And this happens because too much money is created by the government or the central bank, either by printing more banknotes, or by extending more credit. It can also be called living beyond one´s resources.

A large part of the cost of inflation is shifted to foreign investors in US government bonds: The biggest single holders of US bonds at present are China and Japan.

So these and other international holders of US debt are funding the extravagant US imperial spending that is causing millions of deaths, mutilations and invalidities at the various war scenes across the world, not to mention the traumas and the destruction of families, individual lives and property.

* Are you aware that both the European and the US governments are working overtime to deprive you of your right to buy natural herbs and vitamins and minerals to keep yourself healthy? And that instead they force you to pay through your nose to Big Pharma for dangerous, unnecessary and expensive drugs that keep you sick and dependant.

Recently, various laws have been passed to that effect by the European Union, practically without any public debate or information in mainstream media, all of them corporate-controlled. Thus most people have not even been informed of these draconian cuts in our freedom to choose what we want to eat in order to keep healthy. Nor have they been given an opportunity to express their opinion. Is this democracy?

The US are now following up on this unusual European lead, and they have already passed a law that makes it illegal and punishable to grow your own food in your own backyard without the GM giant Monsanto´s pesticides and other chemicals “to make it safe for human consumption”.

What is this called? Well, simply CORRUPTION. Or ABUSE OF POWER. But there is an even more sinister aspect to it.

The National Health Federation writes,
The elimination of health options is required for the control of a population, while the preservation of health freedom is a leading indicator of the overall freedom within a society. The ruling class knows that the control of health options is as important as the control of food and money. If you can keep a population living in fear of their health problems, worried about their financial future, and concerned about rising food prices/shortages, then you can easily control that population. Understand that much of the chaos now going on in the world is intentional and provoked by the global ruling elite.”

* * *
In this connection I want to bring up the subject of genetic manipulation (GM) of our food, by quoting from Dr. Mercola´s website:
“Over the past 15 years or so, a collection of five giant biotech corporations — Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow and DuPont — have bought up more than 200 other companies, allowing them to dominate access to seeds.
The takeover has been so dramatic that it is becoming difficult for farmers to find alternatives. As a result, in the U.S., 90 percent of soybeans are genetically-modified, and many conventional farmers have trouble obtaining non-genetically modified seeds.

According to The Ecologist, October 7, 2010:
“… one solution to restricting their control would be through banning the practice of granting patents on seeds, plants and genes. A patent gives a company exclusive rights to sell and develop a new invention. In the case of patents on plants and genes it grants them temporary monopolies and bans farmers from saving seeds”.

Dr. Mercola comments:
“At this point, a mere FIVE companies – biotechnology companies at that — own the vast majority of all worldwide seeds. The enormous ramifications of this should be fairly obvious.

Genetically modified (GM) seeds, particularly corn and soy, have already taken over in many areas of the world, effectively eliminating the use of conventional and “heirloom” seeds, and along with them, the ancient, sustainable farming practices that produces healthful food. For example, in the US as of 2009, genetically modified (GM) soybeans accounted for 91 percent of the soybean market. Eighty-five percent of all corn grown was GM, as well as 88 percent of all cotton.

Many pro-GM crop fanatics argue that genetically engineered (GM) crops are superior in a number of ways, but evidence to the contrary is all around us…

Since the 1980s, Monsanto has become the world leader in genetic modification of seeds and has won at least 674 biotechnology patents, more than any other company.

But Monsanto is not only patenting their own GMO seeds. They have also succeeded in slapping patents on a large number of common crop seeds, in essence patenting life forms for the first time — without a single vote of the people or Congress.

By doing this, Monsanto has become the sole owner of many of the very seeds necessary to support the world’s food supply … an incredibly powerful position that no for-profit company should ever hold.

The other heavyweights are Syngenta, Bayer, Dow, and DuPont. Combined, they have acquired more than 200 seed companies in the past 15 years. And together, they not only threaten the continuation of sustainable, renewable farming practices, their monopoly over the food supply threatens the health of every single person on the planet.

For more information about the health hazards involved, please go to

Talk about a lose-lose-lose situation!

The unwholesome truth is that GM Crops = Higher Costs, Lower Yields, and Far More Dangerous Foods
Although Monsanto and others denied this possibility, it has been proven that GM plants are contaminating other plants, both wild and domestic.

Scientists have recently confirmed that the genome (whether plant, animal or human) is NOT constant and static, which is the scientific base for genetic engineering of plants and animals. Instead, geneticists have discovered that the genome is remarkably dynamic and changeable, constantly ‘conversing’ and adapting to the environment, in other words far more intelligent than the mad scientists playing God who think they can design Nature any way they please.

In reality, GM crops are a scientific experiment based on flawed assumptions, and anything is possible. The long term consequences of this Pandora´s box can be compared to the long term consequences of nuclear catastrophes. That´s how dangerous this is, since it is potentially interfering irreversibly with the nutritional foundations of all human and animal life on the planet.

Our only salvation is an immediate ban on all GM products and a massive shift to organic agriculture, which by definition is non-GM. But it´s EXTREMELY URGENT, since the damage done by the proliferation of GM may be irreversible and unstoppable.

I quote from a report presented to the UN in 2007:

“The United Nations defines organic agriculture as a “holistic” food system that avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, minimizes pollution and optimizes the health of plants, animals and people. It is commercially practiced in 120 countries and represented a $40 billion market last year (2006).”

I urge you to do what you can NOW to promote local organic food producers, no matter where you live, by taking advantage of local sources of organic foods as often as you can.

In addition, I entreat you to take every possible measure to avoid all GM foods as the plague they are, and also avoid buying any of Monsanto´s products.

Are you aware, by the way, that the US government, regardless of whether it is “Democrat” or “Republican”, is pushing Monsanto´s GM monopoly on Life with all its might?

Wikileaks released a dispatch to the State Department by the American ambassador to France, where he proposed retaliatory measures against France and the French population “that will cause some pain across the EU…” The reason was that France did not authorize the use of Monsanto´s GM corn. That´s one way the US tries to impose its will on other countries all over the world. Its ulterior motives behind this particular policy are suspect indeed.

That´s it for this week. And don´t miss my next blog! You ain´t ´eard nothin´ yet…!
See you again next week!

Dr. Jens
P.S. 1.
I know: it´s all hard to believe, and we´d much rather not know, but if you care whether you die or live – and whether your near and dear live or die – and whether you and they can live in freedom and peace and with human dignity, then you´d better sit up and take notice. It´s late indeed, but we can still stop the treacherous landslide in the making, if we all make a super-fast concerted effort to spread awareness of what our rulers and their handlers are preparing for us.

P.S. 2. Please hit the LIKE button to spread the word, and do post a comment here on the right, or on Facebook or Twitter!

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