Canadian Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research wrote on November 20, 2011 the following: “The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. — Militarization at the global level is instrumented through the US military’s Unified Command structure: the entire planet is divided up into geographic Combatant Commands under the control of the Pentagon.”

According to knowledgeable sources, the USA now has well over a thousand military installations in perhaps a hundred and fifty different countries all over the world. It acts as if it owns the entire planet and has the automatic and unquestionable right to intervene anywhere and for any reason, without asking or even informing the local government in question.

Former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark, has disclosed that he was shown a plan made up by the Pentagon before 9/11, outlining a sequence of seven war theaters after Afghanistan, where the US planned to wage war, namely Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. As you can see, Iraq and Libya have already been ticked off, so now Syria, Iran and Lebanon are next on the list. Then Africa. In the meantime more countries are being added, and new conflicts are being stirred up, now latest with China, Russia, and Pakistan.

Are you now convinced that those who rule the world via the Pentagon are clinically insane? – Or maybe they mistake our precious world for a sick violent computer game?

Former CIA “asset” (a nicer word for informant, spy or infiltrator) Susan Lindauer was a principal US contact with Iraq before 9/11. In a just published book called Extreme Prejudice she reveals that far advanced negotiations were under way with Saddam Hussein in early 2001 to stop the sanctions and the bombings that had been going on since the Gulf War of 1991 and that had directly caused the death of millions of innocent Iraqis, a large part of whom were children. She says that Iraq agreed to everything that the US could wish for if they would only stop the bombings and the sanctions. This included all the oil they wanted, the establishment of all the industries they wanted, the import of millions of automobiles etc. etc. It would have been enormously beneficial and profitable for the US on every conceivable level – except for the military.

So, the Pentagon stopped the agreement and insisted on going to war anyway on the false pretext that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. They knew perfectly well that all such weapons had been destroyed several years before, as required by the US. And what about America´s mind-boggling arsenals of weapons of mass destruction? They have not exactly been shy about using them either, in Iraq for instance. In psychiatry, the tactic of accusing an opponent for what one is doing oneself, is called projection: project my own guilt or crime on to the other.

As we see, the unwholesome secrets of our old-paradigm politicians and military are all being revealed one after the other, as the transparency principle of the new Aquarian Paradigm is gaining ground.

Professor Chossudovsky points out that we are seeing a diabolical military agenda being aggressively pushed by the Pentagon, which in a very real sense threatens the future of all of Humanity.

An important part of the picture is the media campaign which makes public opinion see the wars as legitimate. The US and allies are presented as the victims, and the objects of their aggression are the “bad guys”, the “terrorists” or those oppressing their people, who have to be fought and punished. Public opinion is misled. Orwellian double-speak is legion, and the lessons of Dr. Goebbels have been well assimilated.

The simple truth is that these wars amount to a high crime of genocide and global destruction, where maximum profits for a few large corporations and total global control by the ruling elite are the goals.

The impending wars against Syria, Iran and others can easily escalate into a nuclear World War that puts the very survival of Humanity at risk. It can now only be prevented if a critical mass of people forcefully confront their governments on all levels, put strong pressure on their elected representatives, organize at the local level in towns, villages and municipalities, and spread the word about the risks and dangers of a global war.

Mass demonstrations and antiwar protests are powerless to stop this infernal agenda. Peace rallies achieve nothing. It´s necessary to create a broad and well organized international antiwar network, which challenges the present structures of power and authority. This network must infiltrate both the military and the police force to achieve collective stand downs and disobedience, and also protest against the authority of the state and its officials through collective civil disobedience.

In order for this to be effective, people must make themselves independent of government controlled services, such as the electric grid, the distribution of food and fuel, public transport, and also hospitals and conventional health services controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, which is a big player and accomplice in the global war game. If you haven´t already got a copy of my ACTION PLAN, please order one now, free of charge from the Contact page on this website.

In my blogpost on September 17, I wrote about the forthcoming movie THRIVE – What On Earth Does It Take? and I gave you the link to the trailer.

As announced, the movie was launched on November 11, and it is absolutely SPECTACULAR! It gives a beautifully presented overview of the world situation today, how we got here, what´s about to happen if we don´t wake up really fast, and what we can do to immediately stop the impending nuclear world war, and instead create a world of abundance, health and loving cooperation in the spirit of the new Aquarian Paradigm. It´s all within our reach NOW, if we only wake up, become aware and join forces to grasp it. But we are racing against the clock and there is not a minute to lose if we are to deactivate the ticking time bomb the present murderous rulers of our world are throwing in our way.

SO PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW, SPREAD THIS MESSAGE, AND TELL EVERYBODY TO WATCH THE MOVIE THRIVE. It´s a full length documentary of just over 2 hours, and for many of you those 2 hours may prove to be the most important two hours you have spent this year – or even this life!

The whole movie was posted for a short time by someone on YouTube, but it was taken down because it was unauthorized by its producer. I was told that the movie cost 6 milllion dollars to produce, and I agree that it is very reasonable that the creator wants some control over his work, and also that he may want to get some of the invested money back. Besides, he has put many many years of his life into the film, so it represents a far higher value than just the money it cost to produce.

What he proposes is that people arrange screenings of the film in order to spread it, and he encourages free screenings, in which case only 25 dollars is charged for the DVD.

Ny best advice to you is to go to the home page of the movie for a whole lot of important information around the movie and the movement it is stirring up. Go here:

And don´t forget to spread the word about this movie. Everybody needs access to this information.

Till next week, stay aware, take care, be there!

Dr. Jens

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