Hello again all my faithful paradigm shifting friends,

Last week I introduced you to the 2011 STATE OF THE FUTURE, published by the Millennium Project. It´s a massively impressive compilation of statistics from governments and national and international institutions and agencies all over the world, with interpretations and projections for the future. The authors are professional futurists, and their principal target audience is “senior executives, thought leaders, strategic planners, public policy experts, policy advisors, non-profit organizations, teachers/professors of world issues, and anyone interested in a global overview of our prospects for the future.”

There is no doubt that those who are responsible for governance, advice or planning for the future on any level, need as many facts and projections of trends as possible, in order to make successful decisions. And it goes without saying that if the facts are not facts, but wrong or bogus, then the resulting decisions or advice are at best useless, and at worst they can cause irreparable damage.

Stastistics are supposedly hard facts, and are commonly the universally recognized basis for most of our science. However, popular practical wisdom has it that there are three kinds of successively more brazen lies: ordinary lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Unfortunately, as I mentioned in my previous blog, official statistics these days are not always correct, and the worst part is that this is not only due to lack of accurate information, or to accidentally erroneous weighting of the figures collected, but sometimes it is the result of intentional bias in order to push a covert political-financial agenda. And it´s possible to prove almost anything with cleverly manipulated statistics. I have written about this in my article SMOKE AND MIRRORS that you can read here:

Please don´t misunderstand me: I am in no way saying that the vast amounts of statistics of every conceiveable kind found in The 2011 State of the Future is in any way suspect. Only that the official sources that nearly always are the only existing ones, and therefore give us no choice, occasionally are not as honest and trustworthy as they pretend to be. It´s therefore important to use one´s own judgment, common sense and intuition to assess the true value of the dry, lifeless numbers of the statistics offered.

Having said that, I wish to stress the importance of always applying a worthy value base to all facts and material considerations. For instance, from the point of view of material economy, the growing production of war materials, armament and weapons of mass destruction, is registered as positive growth of the economy and greeted as success. But shouldn´t we look at the purpose of this production, and the result of using it, before assessing its true value in real terms?

First of all, the productive resources used for war production neither feed, nor clothe, nor educate, nor cure, nor entertain anyone, while more than half the world population are suffering unnecessary deprivation of many kinds.

And much worse still: Is it positive healthy growth of an economy, when it destroys foreign countries and kills and mutilates hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of innocent people? Even if the material result is unlawful robbery of assets worth billions? Are there no morals or ethics in economics? Let alone in politics? –

I am happy to say that The 2011 STATE OF THE FUTURE does not only project material growth and outcomes, but is holistically aware of interactive consequences of different kinds, and points out the importance of applying such thinking. And it is quite critical of present ruling politicians.

As I mentioned in last week´s blog, the Millennium Project report has identified 15 global challenges, that are analysed and commented on. Under Challenge no. 5, titled “HOW CAN POLICY-MAKING BE MADE MORE SENSITIVE TO GLOBAL LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVES?” we read the following:

“Heads of government could benefit from establishing an Office of the Future connected to related units in government agencies whose functions would continue from one administration to the next. These can be augmented by advisory councils of futurists and be connected to resilience and collective intelligence systems that can forge change around the world and can identify and assess expert judgments in real time. —

“National legislatures could establish standing “Committees for the Future” as Finland has done.

“Universities should fund the convergence of disciplines, teach futures research and synthesis, as well as analysis, and produce generalists in addition to specialists.

“Although there is increasing recognition that accelerating change requires global long-term perspectives, decision-makers feel little pressure to consider them.”

This important report offers the ultimate frame of reference for old-paradigm planning and decisions. When I read it, I am once again reminded of the growing need to apply the perspective of the underlying paradigm shift to understand what´s really happening, and where it´s leading. Without it, we are adrift in uncharted waters at night, not knowing where we may end up and how to steer free from underwater reefs and other dangers.

Trends do indicate a bearing of sorts, but they may not be long lasting, and it´s difficult to know when they will fade away or change direction. It´s therefore important to try and identify where the trends are coming from in terms of archetypes and cyclic cosmic patterns of energized information, in order to judge their stability and duration, and to what paradigm they belong.

Let me finally comment briefly and partly on the report´s Challenge no. 1: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE:

Climate change is clearly a proven fact experienced by all of us, but whether human activities and the CO2 gases emitted by living beings are the cause, or a contributing cause, is under fierce debate. To me this is a non-issue, or perhaps something like a red herring to distract our attention from the real issue.

I find it absurd to believe that the mere presence of living beings, be they humans or cows, would dangerously contribute to the climate change by emitting gases by breathing, defecating or farting – ooops, please read “passing weather”. All life on earth is an integral part of Earth and any naturally produced “gases” generated by life forms come from Earth and go back to Earth in an ecologically sustainable cycle. I am totally confident that Earth is capable of handling this all by herself.

It´s a different story when we burn fossil fuels and generate artifical gases in great quantity, not to mention nuclear processes. They cause serious pollution of our biosphere with environmentally harmful results, that are not always easily compensated and neutralized by Earth´s atmosphere. It´s therefore perfectly clear to me that artificially generated gases must be stopped because of their polluting effect and their harmful effect on the health of life on the planet, regardless of whether they contribute noticeably to global warming or not. So it´s clear what we have to do, and the global warming debate is just that: hot air, that can lift a balloon with a political agenda for all to see.

I know for a fact that there are PLENTY of environmentally friendly solutions to the energy problem, that are perfectly viable, both technically and economically. Between them, they are sufficiently productive to not only replace all fossil and nuclear energy but remove all present limits to expansion, enabling improved living standard for all without environmental damage of any kind.

Of course there are other considerations that must be taken into account, such as harmful waste generated by increased production of the old kind. Therefore goals and standards of all manufacturing must undergo a radical transformation.

Actually, the entire problem of growth and environment needs to be re-stated from a totally new point of view, where we abandon the heedless idea that eternal unlimited growth is what we need. Growth must be sustainable and proportionate, and that means it must be wholly integrated with the environment in a healthy and balanced way that does not cause any deterioration in the foundations for all life on Earth.

We could have solved all our energy problems fifty years ago, along with our environmental problems – before they even began in a serious way – if the existing technologies had been developed and allowed to be used. But the vested interests – I call it greed – and tremendous financial power of the oil and chemical industries stopped that. So the pollution, and whatever part of the climate change that can be blamed on greenhouse gases, are all the work of the international oil cartels, beginning with Rockefeller´s Standard Oil – S.O. – ESSO, now Exxon. This policy has also resulted in much lower living standards for the common people, especially in the so called developing countries, than could have been possible.

The prevailing international addiction to fear, conflict and aggression, bears the blame for countless technological advances having been reserved for secret military use and kept from improving the lives of ordinary people.

Thanks to the Internet, which is one of the most recent and most advanced expressions of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm, people are waking up to these facts, and this is therefore now set to change. But the old power-brokers are not giving in so easily. The Aquarian energy currents have wetted their appetite for more, and total global control is now their modest aim.

At the same time “the powers that be” are beginning to sense the power of the sleeping giant that is the people, once it wakes up and coordinates and consolidates its collective force. We are seeing an example of this in the local or national bursts of protests now sweeping the world, from Chile in the west through England, Spain and Africa to the Middle East. These protests are genuine expressions of the Aquarian spirit of freedom, equality and cooperation, even if they have sometimes been triggered and supported by the reactionary old-paradigm war-mongering powers, and insidiously used as tools in their quest for global dictatorial power.

As I have explained in earlier blogposts, we are living a transitional turbulence, where it´s sometimes difficult to separate one side from the other, and identify the true motives for various acts and events, among so much hypocrisy and devious plotting.

As we know, the rebellious youth movements have been coordinated and made possible through instant and all-pervading communication by mobile phones and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, a typically Aquarian phenomen.

So it´s logical that the corporate-run governments representing the old paradigm, are now plotting to control and censor the Internet in order to curb its ability to inform, ignite, coordinate and mobilize the powers of the common people.

This is the latest of many assaults on our freedom since the false flag attack on the twin towers in New York, orquestrated from within the US federal government, and to various degrees imposed also by most of its allies around the world, beginning with the European Union. And it´s a very worrying sign, remimiscent of the 1930s in Germany and Italy.

So, if we don´t want to suffer another brutal military dictatorship, that takes us straight back into the worst parts of our old-paradigm past, we must be on our guard and stop all attempts to close down or censor the social networks by whatever means necessary, including determined civil disobedience.

And with that I will leave you to ponder on the future all by yourselves till next Sunday, or whenever you feel like visiting my blog again.


Dr. Jens

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