It´s difficult to get a grasp on cancer. Orthodox medicine dissects and analyses, and then divides cancer into many different kinds, depending on where it appears, on its characteristics, and on its observed development. Then it is assumed that there must be a specific external cause, different for different types of cancer.

But I am telling you that the cause of all cancers can be summarized in one word: toxicity:

1) TOXICITY OF THE BODY, caused by an accumulation of toxins through drugs, faulty diet, parasites, chemical additives etc., or a faulty metabolism and ineffective elimination of ingested toxic substances.
2) TOXICITY OF THE MIND, caused by negative emotions, such as resentment, despondency, disappointment, grief, depression.
3) TOXICITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, caused by either toxic chemicals that the body cannot cope with, sometimes because simultaneous or previous toxicity of the body or of the mind, as per 1) or 2) above. Basically, this environmental toxicity can take two forms:
a) chemicals invading the body through the air (insecticides, pesticides, fumes from fuel, paints, varnishes, or glues, cosmetics, etc.)
b) harmful electromagnetic radiation, e.g. from high voltage power lines, electric transformer stations, X-ray equipment or treatments, fallout from nuclear power stations or other nuclear installations, radiation from radioactive materials, including building materials, radiation from electronic devices such as mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc.

The common denominator of all these toxic burdens on your system, whether physical or mental-emotional, is their destructive effect on the immune system.

As soon as the offending toxicity is eliminated and the body and the mind are cleansed from remaining toxic residues, either as accumulations in the organism, or as ingrained psychological circuitry automatically triggering conditioned responses, then the immune system will start recovering and rebuilding itself, provided the patient´s diet is appropriate, and he or she gets enough sleep, relaxation, and exercise.

Once the immune system works efficiently again, the organism will get rid of the cancer automatically, without treatment.

So called orthodox or conventional cancer treatments, which consist of invasive surgery, toxic chemotherapy, and destructive radiation, is not based on any knowledge of what causes the illness. The practitioners of conventional medicine do not know what causes cancer and they do nothing to remove the causes.

They have finally been forced to admit that certain toxic chemicals and certain types of radiation can indeed cause cancer, yet their treatment modalities do not take these insights into account at all. So, while they may eradicate an existing tumor, their treatments often cause new cancer tumors a few years later, which are then assumed to be recurrences or metastases of the original cancer.

It has now also been established that mammography can cause breast cancer rather than prevent it. It has also been shown that with mammography a high percentage of the cancer diagnoses have proved false, leading to disfiguring surgery and harmful procedures that in fact were uncalled for. But that are very expensive and make a lot of money for the health industry.

By the way, an independent researcher found that a high percentage of ALL cancer diagnoses he investigated, under close scrutiny turned out to be false.

The ruling establishment has strong motives for not admitting the revolutionary knowledge holistic medicine has gathered over the last century. Its present position of power and huge monopolistic profits would be undermined, if they did. It has been in their interest to try and find causes that can be attacked by the methods they have specialized in, such as drugs, surgery, radiation, and vaccines, and therefore they have spent billions of dollars trying in vain to prove that cancer is caused by a virus or a microbe, for which they can develop patentable drugs, vaccines, or other profitable procedures.

In other words conventional medicine is looking in the wrong place, where in fact it can never find the causes of cancer, since they are not there. It does not want to look in the right place, because if that´s where the cause and cure are to be found, they just don´t want to know, since it will make no profits for them.

No wonder, then, that the so called war on cancer, declared by Nixon in the 1970s, has been a total failure from the point of view of the patients, but not from the point of view of the pharmaceutical industry. The incidence of cancer has sky-rocketed since then, along with the cost of treatment and the profits of Big Pharma.

As it does not know – or acknowledge – the cause, conventional medicine only treats the symptoms. So they try to eliminate the tumors by invasive high cost surgery, followed by equally expensive toxic chemotherapy and radiation.

It shouldn´t take a genius to figure out that this kind of treatment places an additional heavy burden on an already compromised immune system, and a considerable extra strain on the organism as a whole. And it does nothing to address the underlying causes, which – if not removed – will continue to produce illness and new tumors, more difficult to eradicate each time.

Statistics are cleverly manipulated to create a more positive picture of conventional cancer treatment than it deserves. The standard criterion for considering a teatment successful is 5 years survival. This means that if the patient dies 5 and a half or 6 years after diagnosis, which happens frequently, then treatment is considered successful, and the patient registers statistically as cured by the conventional treatment.

Now, here we must also be clear about one thing: There is nothing to say that an individual patient who received conventional treatment and died after 6 or 7 years, would not have lived longer than that, if he or she had received no treatment at all.

Since each individual and each case history is unique and different from every other, statistics cannot prove a thing about any specific person. And what about the considerable percentage of patients who do not survive even 5 years, in spite of massive conventional “state-of-the-art” treatment? What is there to say that such persons would not have lasted much longer without treatment? – Nothing at all. There are no controls.

I cannot prove that people will live longer without any treatment than with conventional treatment. I am just saying that there is no valid proof of any kind that conventional treatment does anything to prolong life, or improve its quality. On the contrary, once we have an understanding of what causes cancer and how, then we realize that conventional treatment in most cases does not benefit the patient, but instead does harm. A good many experienced medical doctors have discovered this for themselves over the years, but if they have dared treat their patients accordingly, often with spectacular results, then they have almost invariably been accused of malpractice by Big Pharma´s watchdogs. They have then had their clinics raided by SWAT teams, been stripped of their medical licence and even put in jail, under the pretext that they are harming their patients by not giving them conventionally prescribed authorized treatment, when the truth is the exact opposite.

Based on my own experience and insights, I am personally convinced that patients who survive the brutal treatments prescribed by conventional doctors and hospitals, do so in spite of the treatment rather than thanks to it.

What most people don´t know is that there are literally dozens of natural cures for cancer. Most of these cost only a fraction of what conventional chemo and radiation cost. Even so they are far more effective. Usually, they do not require surgery, and there are no unpleasant or dangerous “side-effects” as with conventional treatments.

Source of Vitamin B 17

The problem is that Big Pharma has succeeded in having all these effective therapies outlawed and discredited in the Western world through their total control of modern medicine via legislation that their lobbyists write, through funding and sponsoring custom-made false “science”, and through outright bribery and threats. Not to forget their control of mainstream media, all of which chant in chorus all that Big Pharma tells them.

Do you now think you are entitled to question the dogmas of official “orthodox” medicine? – Or even – Heaven forbid! – get really angry and aggressively confront your medical authorities about it?

Think about it! The medicine of the Aquarian Paradigm – the medicine of the future – is here now for the asking. It´s not a business. It´s not about money. It´s about awareness of the real causes and the real cures. It´s about human solidarity and love.

Till next week

Dr. Jens

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