Hi dear Blog Readers,

We are one week into 2012, and the war drums keep beating ever louder. As I was looking back over the past year, two events from 2011 worth recalling popped up on my screen. One is negative and will be discussed in this blogpost, and the other is positive and will be dealt with next week.

The Fukushima nuclear catastrophe represents the many negative, destructive, terrifying events of 2011. It is the worst disaster ever to have struck Humanity in recorded history. One that will change the planetary environment and the destiny of the human race for ever. I sincerely hope that enough people will come to their senses to force a drastic turnaround in energy policy, even though corporate media and politicians pretend that nothing much happened, and that we should just keep doing “business as usual”, and continue to build ever more nuclear generators. Insanity is not a strong enough word for such an attitude, by far.

On the other hand, the many positive events of expanded awareness and revolutionary action during the past year will be represented by the inspired and impacting Wayseer movement launched by Garret John LoPorto. I will save this for next week, so you have something to look forward to.

I found an incisive analysis of the world situation focusing on Fukushima by the pseudonym Golden Wolf, written back in March 2011, from which I pick and edit important parts:

There are so many mixed messages concerning Japan and the unfolding events. There is a complete contradiction between on the one hand what mainstream media and bought scientists convey, and on the other hand what is really happening. Many of the best minds go to the war industry or the major corporations and serve the corporate agenda. Their goals are short sighted and they will cut any corners they can to increase profits. The concerns for humanity and the earth are not factored in. They use scientists and spin doctors to sell their projects and products, generating vast wealth. This is done with absolutely no regard for either Humanity or Earth. Material assets and power are the only values recognized, increasingly translated into Money.

This reigning mentality explains almost all the ills we are suffering.
There are no true democracies. The republics created for the people and by the people were devoured by the corporations long ago. There is no citizens oversight of power and the people have no say, besides the illusive votes they are allowed to cast every so many years. The splitting into adversarial positions by republicans and democrats in the US is nothing but an elaborate show; both equally serve the corporate elite.

The politicians tell the people what they want to hear, and then do as instructed by the mega banks and corporations who fund their elections. This marriage between mega-corporations and authoritarian government is a recipe for fascism, not democracy.

Naturally triggered eartquakes and tsunamis as such are horrible and tragic enough, but their effect is temporary, and they affect a locally defined number of people who are directly hit. Those who survive can soon remake their lives, and descendents are not genetically affected.

The 2011 tsunami in Japan was of an entirely different dimension, a whole other order, due to the explosion and meltdown of five nuclear power plants, one with plutonium. 40 years worth of spent radioactive fuel rods, stored on top of the boiler, were blown sky high and spread over several kilometers, polluting not only the Earth but the groundwater and the ocean for all time. This radioactive disaster was not natural but man-made. It means there will be sinister consequences for many generations to come, even for all foreseeable future, and for the entire planet.
But there is yet another dimension to this. Even if it cannot be conclusively proven, there are clear suspicions that Pentagon´s so called HAARP technology has been used to intentionally trigger several earthquakes over the last few years. HAARP signatures consisting in strange colored lights and specific wavy cloud patterns were apparently observed in the sky both in Chile, Haiti and Japan, just before these very major quakes.

What is particularly intriguing is that Japan had been refusing to play by the US corporate – or international banksters´ – musical score on several counts. Their parliament had been discussing 9/11 and came to the conclusion – inevitably – that it was an inside job. They were defying the oil industry by building magnetic power generators. They had announced the commercial launch of a car running on ordinary water within weeks, when the tsunami hit. Nothing more has been heard about that car since then.

The majority of humanity are completely unaware, dumbed down through chemicals in their water and food, and now even the air with the ever present chemtrails that have never been officially acknowledged or explained. People are letting themselves be led to slaughter like sheep.

The very agencies put in place in the US and by the United Nations to protect and serve the people, such as the FDA , the WHO and the UNAIDS are protecting and serving the corporations and are instruments for their ruthless agendas.
Wars are very profitable for a select few and are being constantly provoked and triggered in order to sell more
weaponry and help solve the problem of overpopulation of the planet.

Contagious illnesses are also very profitable for a select few. Virus and bacteria are being cultivated in secret government labs as biological weapons. Human, swine and bird flu virus cannot combine naturally outside of the laboratory. Yet such a combination has appeared, and we have been offered vaccinations that are tainted with such viruses.

Why are still billions of dollars wasted every year on finding new cures for cancer? Aren´t the only ones we are offered “legally” profitable enough? At least they kill most of the patients who are exposed to them. The fact is that there are AT LEAST a dozen different well tested natural and cheap remedies that completely cure all kinds of cancers. But they have been outlawed and repressed by Big Pharma who with its enormous financial muscles totally controls not only institutional medicine in all its facets, but also the US congress who writes and passes the laws. And cancer is a gigantic, trillion-dollar business.

There is a conscious policy to ensure that all food is industrially produced and full of harmful chemicals. Small organic farmers are being persecuted and forced into bankruptcy with the help of the government, so that Big Agro can take over their farms and ensure a poisonous food supply. You say it can´t be true? – Just investigate yurself, and you will find that I am not exaggerating.

The buildup of heavy metals is also causing many illnesses. Massive spraying programs – the so called Chemtrails – spread aluminum, barium, and radioactive strontium all of which are accumulative. These are all poisons. Aluminum, for instance, blocks the water intake in roots. What is it doing to crops, forests, fish and wildlife?

How can we put an end to this? What about sending all the mercenary nuclear scientists praising the safety of their reactors, along with the CEOs of the companies that build them, and the politicians who approved them, to Chernobyl and Fukushima? – Then dump all the radioactive nuclear waste on their front lawns. And while you are at it, send them to the front lines of the wars they sponsor. Then have them all get inoculated with their “life-saving” vaccines and drugs in public first, before forcing others to get inoculated. Make them drink the pesticides and herbicides they create, and eat the GMO foods. That should put an end to the problem.

Another way is to refuse to participate. If a war is started and no one comes to fight it, if a vaccine is produced and no one takes it, if a product or project that is detrimental to Humanity and Earth is launched and nobody buys it, then it comes to an end right there.

The war and disease profiteers are cashing in on wars and diseases they themselves create and perpetuate. At what point does humanity rise and say “enough!”? – Surely, we have reached that point.

We all need to rise up and hold those accountable who are guilty of harming Humanity and Earth. The revolution has begun, the grand awakening with nothing hidden is happening. The outcome now depends on all of us.
See you next week for a more positive angle on world events.

Be well!

Dr. Jens

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