Dear Blogreading Friend,

A time has come when silence is betrayal. That time is now.”
(- Martin Luther King Jr.)

Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
(- Abraham Lincoln)

One of the biggest events in the world this weekend, June 9 -12, is the secretive meeting of the so called Bilderberg group at a St. Moritz hotel in Switzerland.

Why, do you ask, is this meeting such a big event? – The answer is that for the last 57 years, most of the really important things that happen in the western world, have been discussed, planned and to a large extent decided in this group. It has been kept as secret as possible, and until about ten years ago, it successfully evaded notice by the public and by media.

Big media owners have been invited to this Big Boys Club and have concurred with its permanent core in avoiding publicity. They have therefore ordered a blackout in all their media outlets of these meetings pretending they did not happen, or at least that they were of no interest.. However, increasingly over the last decade, the Bilderberg meetings have been subject to public protests from young activists who have become aware of what is going on behind its closed doors and pulled curtains.

The transparency principle of the Aquarian Paradigm is affecting even this most secretive of organizations. The group now publishes an official website with a skeleton agenda for each conference, and the names of the steering committee. What is secret is what is said during the meetings, and who the influentious individuals are who are specially invited each year, but it is leaking.

This year, the tops of the largest and wealthiest of the Internet businesses are invited, along with the usual suspects in the international banking and financial community, CEOs of global corporations, ruling and opposing politicians, and a sprinkling of monarchs, that is hereditary royal heads of state or their close family. On the website they claim that all participants are there in a private and not an official capacity, just to exchange views and opinions with the other participants for better understanding of the world´s current problems.

The Bilderberg group was created as a forum for discussing and coordinating policies between the USA and Europe in 1954, i.e. the early stages of the cold war. It is the very incarnation or prototype of the old outgoing materialistic and monarchic paradigm.

The official site further states, “Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual Conference. — At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”

The reason for the increasing protests is leaked information about the agenda that this group does have, in spite of denying it. Among its clearly pronounced but not publicly declared goals, is the creation of a global government to preside over the so called New World Order. The plan is consistently favoring the large global corporations and the “white” people of the developed countries in Europe and North America. It includes drastic measures to reduce the world population, since the current population growth is thought to lead to lack of food and resulting mass violence. And this makes them very scared.

The plan also favors global monopolies or strictly controlled cartels in all important areas, such as food production, health services, energy production, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and complete control of the population by way of inplantable microchips which contains all personal, medical and financial information of each individual.

The core group considers wars normal and desirable to achieve their political and financial propositions. They will also develop and plant new engineered superbugs, such as the recent e-choli that is now creating panic in Europe, along with epidemics. This is done to scare the populations into accepting draconic control measures and prohibitions that they would otherwise never accept.

The tactics are the same as the now eternal “war against terrorism” that justified the occupation of Afghanistan and the introduction of the “Patriot Act” and the Department of Homeland Security, which obliterated whatever was left of the original US constitutional rights and freedoms.

So called False Flag Operations are another often used tool of the same category in their arsenal. The so called terrorist attack on 9/11, 2001 was such a false flag operation. If you now shout “conspiracy theorist!” I suggest you research the matter yourself. Anyone who does, will easily find about a hundred different irrefutable facts and circumstances that make the official version utterly and completely impossible on almost every count. In other words, they show without the shadow of a doubt, that the government and the commission that wrote the commissioned report, were – and are – lying from beginning to end.

I am not saying that everybody who attends a Bilderberg meeting subscribes to the policy goals of the inner core group. Maybe they are invited only to spill their beans for the benefit of the architects of the New World Order, or maybe they are there to be convinced of its merits and converted to support it. I would think that this group is capable of making offers that cannot be refused. In any case, it is a fact that several of recent US presidents and European prime ministers were invited to a Bilderberg meeting some time before they were elected.

The financial power of this group is truly awesome – and here the word is really appropriate – and, as a consequence, so is its political and persuasional power. Incidentally, why would people who launch wars that kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent civilians, women and children just to gain control over resources they want, hesitate to liquidate anyone who is in their way? –

They are the same people who intentionally send other millions to an early grave on the pretext of treating – but never curing – a non-existing illness. I am referring to the invented – only postulated but never isolated or even seen – HIV and the lethal poison prescribed to “treat” it. This is a subject I have studied for 20 years and will discuss in depth in some future blog – if I am not liquidated before then. The HIV hoax is a form of covert eugenics, or way to selectively reduce the population.

They are also the same people who, via the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, pretend to offer help by lending money on conditions that inevitably lead to a privatization selloff of all the borrowing country´s resources at fire-sale prices to the lending banks themselves or their corporate friends. This is a modern form of colonialism or piracy.

So maybe now you understand why the young activists of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm are protesting wherever the Bilderbergers meet? – And now maybe you also understand why I said that their meeting is a very important event on the global arena? Even if it´s played down by mainstream media on purpose.

* * * * *
The last week has brought us news of growing unrest and new bombings in the Middle East. Now Yemen has been added to US bomb targets, while operations in Libya have escalated far beyond the original UN mandate that talked about protecting the civil population by creating a no-fly zone without putting troups on the ground.

It´s now obvious that this “humanitarian” mandate has quickly turned into a full-fledged war against Gadaffi and his government to take control of the country and its resources by military force. The true motive for the war is to stop China from doing the same – taking control of its resources – by commercial and political cooperation. Another simultaneous objective could be to curb Gadaffi´s aspirations to become a de facto emperor over a North African – or perhaps even a Pan-African – union or coalition, courtesy of his oil wealth..

While publicly declaring that the objective was not to go after Gaddafi or overturn his government, the first thing they did was to directly bomb his residences, killing several members of his household, among them a son and a grandson. Where the initial discourse was to launch a short operation over a matter of days or weeks, it is now acknowledged that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is sufficiently threatened by Gadaffi´s flirtations with China and the rest of Africa, to make it expand operations at least into next year. Instead of protecting civilians from being attacked by Gadaffi´s forces, NATO itself now merrily kills those civilians.
Hurrah for hypocrisy and brazen lies!
You must see with your ears and hear with your eyes.

The race between the West, led by the US, and the East, headed by China, to control the massive natural resources of Africa, is no mere parlor game. Gadaffi was trespassing into US imperial ambitions, when he was dreaming of creating an African coalition or union, led by him.

Let me finish this wek´s blogpost with a series of quotations about war:

“Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich.”
– Peter Ustinov

“War is the only game in which both sides lose.”
– Walter Scott

“There never was a good war, or a bad peace.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“War is the blackest villainy of which human nature is capable.”
– Erasmus

“If you had seen one day of war, you would pray to God that you would never see another.”
– The Duke of Wellington

That´s it for this time. And do let´s meet again next week, God and the Bilderbergers willing.


Dr. Jens

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