Hello again my friends,

I was going to write about human rights this week but came to the insight that more important issues are urgently at stake, without which it will be meaningless to even speak about human rights. Namely physical survival and personal freedom.

The musical CABARET is a brilliant piece of theatre that powerfully shows us how an evil fascist dictatorship can subtly and gradually, little by little, day by day, infiltrate society and all its inhabitants, using false promises, fear and threats to remove all individual rights and freedoms, until life resembles a prison with enforced standard exercises for all. Those who are not considered useful or agreeable to the rulers, are simply eliminated.

The musical Cabaret – going back through several adaptations to a book written by Christopher Isherwood in 1939 and set in Berlin of 1931 – shows suggestively what happened in nazi Germany during the 1930s as a backdrop for several interwoven deeply moving personal dramas.

Now, eight decades later, a new production signed Washington D.C. (not George Washington ) is unfolding on the world scene. This production stirs in me the same eery feeling I got from Cabaret. It seems we are re-living the perverse drama of the 1930s, only with different actors and configurations, differently named issues, and different victims.

But there are some TREMENDOUS differences between then and now:

Today, several of the players in this insane plot are equipped with nuclear weapons. In addition, there are well over 400 nuclear power plants in the world today that – like Fukushima in Japan – can be made to explode and spew out their deadly radiation over the planet, potentially wiping out, for the foreseeable future, all life as we know it.

Today, technology has evolved in such a way as to make it possible for the parties in World War III to know the exact location and every single move of every man and weapon of the enemy. It is also possible, in a matter of minutes, to reach the opposite side of the planet with weapons of, not mass but TOTAL destruction (WTD). There are also means of controlling and influencing the people down to each individual person, a technology that was still pure fiction in the 1930s.

All this is the old materialistic, fragmenting paradigm run amok with new Aquarian technology. Needless to say, it carries great risks for the survival of Humanity, even if it is a transitory phenomenon during the present shift of paradigm.

BUT, the other and more positive side of the coin is that today, thanks to Aquarian technology, nearly two billion people have access to Internet. Today, two thirds of the world population – some four billion people – have mobile phones, connecting them to each other. Therefore, the plots and conspiracies of the Powers That Be can no longer be kept secret.

As a logical consequence of this, the ruling old-timers are now panicking and belatedly scrambling to control the Internet and ban free communication. This is therefore a super-critical moment, if we are to stop our chute to hell or oblivion, as I call it.

If we lose Internet and the ability to communicate freely with each other under the present circumstances, then we will have lost our ability to organize any effective resistance. Then we will have lost everything worth living for.

We must not let that happen!

Unless we allow our ruthless rulers to devour all our rights, our freedoms, our very lives, Aquarian transparency has come to stay. The time of hypocrisy, gross corruption with impunity, and impenetrable smoke screens are over.

The time of Wikileaks, of Anonymous, of hacking the files of the Pentagon, and of the Wayseers, has come. Politicians and what´s left of royalty can no longer hide their shady dealings in money and power, nor their secret love affairs.

* * * * *

Going back a century or more, several men have entertained the belief that if only a sufficiently dangerous weapon were invented, it would put a stop to all wars, because nobody would risk being exposed to such a weapon. A negative war blocker, powered by fear.

The Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite during the latter half of the 19th century and founded the Nobel Peace Prize, was one of them. He fully believed that dynamite was such a weapon, and that wars should therefore be a thing of the past.

The atomic bomb was another huge step towards the ultimate weapon which, during the so called Cold War, did keep a kind of strained peace between the Soviet block and the “free world” led by the US, based on a balance of increasing powers of destruction.

However, such pious beliefs did not count with the recklessness and insanity of some of today´s real world rulers, whose only frame of reference is their own boundless greed for global control of all material resources, and all life on the planet.

This week I have become aware of two movements that could prove to be page-turners, or game-changers, in support of the Aquarian Paradigm.

On the one hand I am referring to ANONYMOUS, a group of obviously computer-savvy people with a clear agenda to oppose the present drive towards Internet censorship and other control measures.

On the other hand I am talking about WAY-SEE-ERS, created by a dynamic “maverick” named Garrett John LoPorto, who is inspired by the TAO (or DAO) of Chinese philosophy, translated as THE WAY.

Wayseers encourage people who are aware and independent to rise against the current policies of the US government and the international banking cartel, fast leading to a global military dictatorship with a drastic reduction of the World population and literal enslavement in abject poverty of the vast majority of the remaining people.

Here are a few tidbits from WAYSEERS´ video:

“ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits and troublemakers – all you free spirits and pioneers – all you visionaries and non-conformists …

“You see things others don’t. You are hardwired to change the world. Unlike 9 out of 10 people – your mind is irrepressible – and this threatens authority. You were born to be a revolutionary.

“You have strengths dangerous to the establishment – and it wants them eliminated, So your whole life you’ve been told your strengths were weaknesses – Now I’m telling you otherwise.

“You know in your heart that there’s a natural order to life,
something more sovereign than any man-made rules or laws could ever express.

This natural order is called ´the Way´.”

To let yourself be seduced by the WAY, go to

To learn about ANONYMOUS, a leaderless group of anonymous “hacktivists”, go to

Let me close this blogpost by emphasizing that I will never recommend violence as a way to solve any problems. Nor will I recommend wasting our energy and time to fight the establishment, or anything else we don´t like.

The way out and ahead is to create positive alternatives that can make us independent of the repressive agenda of the current rulers. An agenda motivated by corporate greed and hunger for total power over us, not by fake concerns for our security.

In order to achieve the independence we need and claim, we must not hesitate to resort to civil disobedience if necessary. That´s where a good measure of self-confidence and courage is required.

If you haven´t done so already, order my ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM, to get some ideas of what is happening and what you can do about it. Just fill in the form on the CONTACT page of this website and write ACTION PLAN. It´s totally free of charge.

Let´s meet again next week. Until then, gratefully count your blessings and practise your skills. Remember that unless you use them, you may lose them.

Dr. Jens

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