Hey there, all my revolutionary friends set on finally creating a free and abundant existence for all the world to see and generations to come!

In June I wrote a blogpost called PLUTONICS, where I predicted “profound and dramatic transformations of the political structures, maybe national boundaries, certainly the governmental structures and organization of our planet.” I had reason to remember that blog, when I learnt of the uprising in Tunisia against its dictator president in December 2010, and again when Egypt exploded around January 25, 2011, with demands that its dictator president Hosni Mubarak resign after 30 years in power, and allow the establishment of an open, transparent democracy with free elections.

Pluto will now remain in Capricorn for another 13 years or so, so be prepared for a lot more of the same, even against the US federal government itself!

All this is an expression of the presently culminating contention between the entrenched forces of the old paradigm and the pioneers of emerging Aquarian Paradigm awareness. Who do you think will win? – As a futurist and astrologer I obviously know the answer. What I do not know, is how long it will take before the old guard gives up the fight, or what the final cost to humanity and the planet will be. Therefore it´s not indifferent if the battle is won tomorrow or in ten years.

Therefore you should not bide the outcome on the sidelines, but take resolute action to tip the scales in favor of life, peace, health, abundance, and justice. Think of the enormous environmental damage, the exploited uncured sick, the starving and dying in the poor developing countries, the war victims, the victims of unnecessary poisons in food and drugs, the victims of nuclear arms and radiation. All these will eventually disappear with the victory of the Aquarian Paradigm, but they will continue as long as the present world rulers get their way. That can add up to the needless death and suffering of untold millions of innocent human beings, as well as the destruction of much of our planet´s patrimony and life sustenance capacity.

Wouldn´t you rather feel that you helped ultimately save the lives, wellbeing, and happiness of millions, than being guilty of a sin of omission, that left all those hapless people suffering and dying unnecessarily? Just because you couldn´t be bothered, or because you were afraid of what people might think. Strong words? – Uncomfortable? Sure. I know. But unless we break out of our comfort zones, we will not live up to our potential or ultimate life purpose.

I am just giving you an opportunity to feel really good about yourself, when you one day in the future look back on the positive action you took against the deleterious inertia of society and the establishment. An action that may have helped save millions from suffering, illness, and death. It may not render you a monument in a public square, but there will be a monument in your heart, that nobody but you yourself can pull down or disfigure. And whether you believe it or not, every truly positive action will reap its reward one day, in some way.

If you wonder what you can do, go to the contact page of this website, and send me a message, asking for my Action Plan for Shifting Paradigm, and I will personally email it to you at no cost. It gives some clear recommendations for simple life-changing actions.

This year promises to offer some interesting times, as the Chinese put it. Let´s enjoy them together, and support each other along the way!

Till next week,

Dr. Jens

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