I have been an enthusiastic proponent of what I call 21st century medicine, or the medicine of the Aquarian Paradigm, ever since the mid 1970s.

My paternal grandfather dreamt of being a physician and practised physiotherapy over a hundred years ago, but he ended up as the managing director of a food industry. My father was a doctor of dental surgery, like two of my uncles and several of my cousins, and my brother was an eye-surgeon. My brother-in-law was also a dental surgeon and son of a physician, and he made his career as a provincial health care organizer.

With that medical tradition in the family, I was faced with the possibility to study medicine upon leaving school, but I decided against it at age 18, with the rather flimsy argument that my hands were not steady enough to do surgery. What it really amounted to was a lack of faith in institutional allopathic, so called orthodox medicine with its mechanistic mindset and single-minded focus on surgery and synthetic drugs.

My way into holistic medicine turned out to be long, indirect and irregular, but I ended up 35 years later as Professor of the Philosophy and Principles of Holistic Medicine at the Open International University for Complementary Medicines in Colombo, Sri Lanka, then the only one of its kind in the world.

Those who have read my book about the paradigm shift in Sweden published in 1997 (in Swedish), know that I entertained a several years long correspondence with the Swedish Government on many levels, right up to three consecutive prime ministers. I offered to give a free introductory seminar to show what holistic medicine was capable of for a fraction of the cost of conventional allopathic medicine, and with much better results and no so called side effects. Nobody showed any interest whatsoever, not even the slightest bit of curiosity. It was overwhelmingly obvious that they were all obedient robotic footsoldiers or marionettes of Big Pharma, who had turned off their ability and will to think for themselves. Big Pharma had in turn grown out of the Rockefeller monoilpoly around the turn of the previous century.

Public interest in alternative medicine has been growing fast and steadily ever since I got involved with it in the 1970s, but institutional orthodox medicine has not budged much. Recently Big Pharma´s Empire has felt its support base dwindle and is beginning to panic. So it has figured out devious tactics to deal a series of blows below the belt in the shape of new legislation made to order to disarm and incapacitate the holistic health movement. With the patently false motivation of protecting the public from fraudulent products or practitioners, or from popping more vitamins or other natural supplements, than Big Pharma considers good for you, they have managed to get new laws passed by the European Union that makes it illegal and punishable to sell natural supplements that have not gone through the same rigorous and extremely expensive testing procedure as is required for new invented drugs. At the same time they have radically reduced the dosages that can be sold, so as to guarantee that they will have virtually no effect. The same thing has now happened with traditional natural healing herbs. So the Empire is striking back on many fronts.

Those are old paradigm power plays. The medicine of the Aquarian Paradigm is still banned from most established universities, hospitals and government health departments, while thriving under the radar, outside of media coverage. It´s abiding the grassroots revolution that will force present institutions to either close shop, or open up to vibrational medicine, which is the new medicine of the 21st century.

Most people think that the medicine of the future will consist of genetic engineering, more transplants, more drugs and more surgery, because that´s what Big Pharma is projecting though their media outlets. They´ve got it all wrong. All those methods, based as they are on the Newtonian materialistic-mechanistic paradigm, are fast becoming outmoded and will only stay with us as marginal complements to a new wholistic medicine based on the emerging phono-photonic, electro-magnetic, holographic paradigm. Some of the knowledge and techniques of this medicine in the making are brand new outcrops of the latest scientific discoveries in electronics, radio technology, cybernetics, nuclear physics, bio-chemistry etc., while others are as old as Humanity itself.

The knowledge and skills required are already available and reach much further and deeper than the medicine Governments are offering us today. As soon as we decide that we want the new medicine made available to everybody, we can immediately start introducing it into our institutions.

So what are the characteristics of this medicine of a future that is already here?

First of all, the medicine of the 21st century must be holistic in the true sense of the word. This includes the ecological concept of universal interrelatedness and limitless interaction between every component and facet of Creation. A man may be an island, but go below the water, and you will find that all islands are just hills rising from the bottom of the ocean, and they are all part of one continuous mass of land in spite of their apparent isolation.

On the one hand, the holistic concept means that every human being is an organic part of his or her environment. The environment is more than most of us realize. The food we eat is part of our environment. On the same intimate micro-level we must also remember all the micro-organisms that pervade and surround our bodies in a functional symbiosis.

The environment further has a middle level – and this is the only one most people are aware of, and then only partially – of physical, emotional and intellectual interaction with society, family and other individuals, as well as with local conditions of the Earth and its Atmosphere. Finally, it has a macro-level, where we are influenced not only by the climate, but also by the everchanging force fields of the Earth, the Solar System and the Galaxy.

On the other hand, zooming in on an individual human being, the holistic concept then perceives each one of us as an integrated Whole in all our unique complexity, where each part and function is intimately linked with and dependent on every other part and function, in ways that often cannot be detected when looking at us exclusively from a physical point of view. So, for instance, will 21st Century Medicine eventually be able to understand how thoughts and emotions relate directly to the glandular system and affect physiological functions through the hormones.

Doctors and other health care professionals of the 21st century must learn to recognize that illness, seen from a spiritual or transpersonal point of view, is part of an individual development or growth process. They must not primarily try to “cure” the physical aspects of the illness by superficially suppressing the patient’s symptoms, as nearly all of them do today, but they will above all help their patients work out the deep causes and the purpose of their illness. They should be qualified to help the patient interpret the message of the illness and to make required adaptations. Only when this is accomplished will the patient be able to heal in a real sense.

In the 21st century we will expect doctors to communicate better with their patients. All health practitioners should take more time to talk to the patients, and the patients should be invited to participate in the diagnostic procedure and in decisions with regard to the treatment chosen.

Improved communication technologies and professional computer networks will also make it possible for doctors in a matter of minutes to access data banks and consult expertise anywhere in the world.

21st Century Medicine will have to be much more dynamic than 20th century medicine. It will be process-oriented and very conscious of the importance of Nature’s rythms and Cosmic cycles for human health and development.

Presently used static parameters like blood counts, X-rays to analyse structure, bioscopies to assess histological changes and determine whether tumours are present and whether they are benign or malign etc., will all be of secondary importance or even useless, since new non-invasive investigation methods are able to register, and trace back to their origins, the ongoing biophysical processes which, if unchecked, would eventually lead to structural, organic or functional pathologies. Among other things it means that this medicine is able to predict and prevent illness by treating the patient – not the illness – before the illness manifests.

That´s it for this week, folks. In a coming blogpost I will continue describing the medicine of the Aquarian Paradigm, and discuss various specific therapies within its range.

Stay aware and do dare to share this fare!


Dr. Jens

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