Hello, my friends,

It´s Sunday again, and here I am with another blogpost reflecting the times of upheaval we are living.

 Let me today begin with a quote:

 “When one tugs at any single thing in nature, one finds it attached to the rest of the world.”

 This is to remind us of one of the most important principles of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm. It can be expressed as Holistic Vision. Or as Unity Consciousness. And one of its slogans is “The Whole is far more than the sum of its parts”. I would say a human being is a magnificent example of this. Someone once calculated the monetary value in the market of the various components of which a human body consists. It was not a big sum. The old paradigm world view, that is still dominating our world, has no understanding or awareness of this important principle.

 The other day, somebody asked indignantly why the Euro-US/UN/Nato complex had to attack Libya right now, when Japan is fighting for its very existence with an uncertain outcome. People have also asked why Libya was picked, while other similar situations, notably Bahrein, have been ignored. The general feeling is that it all has to do with oil and with global power politics.

 Intuitively, I feel that the question in a way may provide its own answer. What I mean is that it´s no mere coincidence that a new war is launched right now, that will occupy mass media for weeks to come. It´s a way of deflecting public attention from Japan and the nuclear disaster, which is already far worse than Chernobyl, and with no end in sight. Yet, neither the authorities, nor media will acknowledge the enormity of this, not only for Japan, but for the entire planet. 

It´s also interesting to see how the Libyan “rebels” are not staging a peaceful protest, like their neighbors on both sides, first in Tunis and then in Egypt. Instead we have here a full-fledged rebellion, armed by outside forces, supposedly from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. One wonders why all these foreign powers suddenly show such a “humanitarian” fervor for Libyans, considering what civilians elsewhere have routinely suffered for so long without any protests from them, or from the  “international community”.

 An intriguing detail coming out of Libya these days, is that the rebels are fighting together with Al Qaeda, as well as with NATO and the US. – Surprised? – I am not. As I never stop pointing out, the Aquarian Paradigm allows no secrets, and so everything will come out in the open, sooner or later. All conspirators will eventually commit an imprudence, that will leak some of their secrets. They are, after all, human. And well informed people have known ever since 2001, or even earlier, that Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA and the Pentagon, doing an important part of their dirty covert work to de-stabilize and provoke armed conflicts in order to further the economic, political, and above all imperial agenda of the so called “New World Order”. This includes “false flag operations”, such as the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11, 2001, which provided the justification for attacking and occupying Afghanistan, in order to build an oil pipeline and re-establish the massive opium cultivation against the will of the Talibans, enemies originally installed and funded by the the very same CIA and Pentagon to fight a local proxy war against the Russians at the end of the “Cold War”, without being in open conflict with them. Confusing? Yes, indeed, and not by chance! Not only double-speak, but also double-act. Reminds me of Chaplin´s brilliant film The Dictator, portraying Hitler, where the Nazi symbol and flag was, wittily, “The Double Cross”,  i.e. two crosses.

The intitiative for the present intervention in Libya did not this time appear to come from the USA, where some of Obama´s critics complained that he did not take the inititative, as is appropriate for the world leader, but instead is “taking orders” from the international community, from the “Globalists”, now identified as the United Nations, felt to be in conflict with the true interests of the US people.

Obama´s own version is different. In his long speech about Libya on March 28,  he said,

“…nine days ago, after consulting the bipartisan leadership of Congress, I authorized military action to stop the killing and enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973.

“In this effort, the United States has not acted alone. Instead, we have been joined by a strong and growing coalition. This includes our closest allies — nations like the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey — all of whom have fought by our sides for decades. And it includes Arab partners like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, who have chosen to meet their responsibilities to defend the Libyan people.”

Yet, according to many US critics, Obama committed an impeachable offense by ordering US troups to intervene in Libya without being authorized by Congress. According to the now openly ignored US Constitution, Congress has the prerogative to declare war, and the president is not authorized to do so without orders from Congress. They say that Bush at least made some kind of formal gesture towards authorization by Congress as he attacked and invaded Afganistan and Iraq, while Obama didn´t even do that. My own feeling is that this discussion will be derailed by claims that the intervention in Libya is not a war, nor an attack on a country, just a humanitarian emergency operation. 

Obama´s rhetoric is departing further than ever from reality, truth, and reason, as he justifies siding with the rebels against the sitting regime in Libya. He practically said that it is America´s moral duty to protect civilians against oppressive regimes wherever they are. It echoes his full-mouthed State of the Union Speech (see my blog about it on February 6 with the title STATE OF THE UNION – AND OF THE WORLD), where he proclaimed,  …”America’s moral example must always shine for all who yearn for freedom and justice and dignity”.

It´s just that he doesn´t seem to care much for the civilians in Afganistan, for example, or those in Pakistan. Not to mention Iraq. And on the other hand, the armed rebels in Libya can hardly be said to qualify as civilians. By supporting the rebels, the war is reinforced and expanded, and that can make things far worse for the civilian population. The simple truth is – as always – that the intervening governments are lying to us about their motives. There may be several motives for this intervention, but protecting Libyan civilians is hardly the most important one. We can, however, count on Aquarian transparency to reveal the truth to us in due course.

So what about the following statement in Obama´s speech – Is it just plain old-paradigm hypocrisy paired with populism, or what? –

“To brush aside America’s responsibility as a leader and — more profoundly — our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action.”

There was a news item claiming that Ghadaffy had financed French President Sarkozy´s election campaign. Against this background it´s interesting to contemplate Sarkozy´s apparent role as the leader of the European initiative to intervene and remove Ghadaffy from power.

Maybe perversely or paradoxically, I am reminded of a passage in Dumas´ The Count of Monte Cristo, where a robber talks about codes of “honor” among hired assassins; One such code prevents the assassin from pocketing the money, if he did not really kill the target. That is to be an honest murderer. Not all murderers are honest…

As for Obama, twice in his speech he mentioned Al Qaeda as a target for US military action wherever they are. He seems not to have noticed that they are reported fighting side by side with the rebels he is supporting in Libya. Curious, no? – And, to paraphrase Alice in Wonderland, things will no doubt get curiouser and curiouser, as 2011 – and the Aquarian Paradigm – unfolds.

Let me end this blog, as I began it, with a quote:

“No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of large amounts of
highly toxic substances which nobody knows how to make “safe” and which
remain an incalculable danger to the whole of creation for historical or
even geological ages. To do such a thing is a transgression against life
itself, a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever
perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilisation could sustain itself on
the basis of such a transgression is an ethical, spiritual, and
metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting the economic affairs of man
as if people really did not matter at all.”
– E.F. Schumacher

The only thing I would change in this quote is the word people on the last line, which I would change to “the sacredness of Life”. Because it´s not just a question of individual people, not even of our species, but of life itself, where we deal with a whole other dimension.

Take CARE, be POSITIVE, be AWARE, and ACT! Till next Sunday!

Dr. Jens

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