We are living in transitional times, when technologies and ideas of the emerging Aquarian paradigm are hijacked by the old paradigm, which uses them to preserve its own reactionary system. This leads to a lot of confusion, sometimes intentionally promoted, making it difficult to distinguish between friend and foe, between what drives progress and what turns the clock back. Perhaps it also leads to difficulty distinguishing between the time shown on a painted propaganda clock and the time shown by the real, ticking and advancing clock.

Among other things, this can lead to a situation – that Orwell describes in his novel “1984” – that old-paradigm authorities can determine at will that white is actually black and black is really white, that war is peace etc., and the people are required to believe it and forced to act accordingly.

There is a fight going on between pure cold intellect, married to what we have been sold as science and serving purely materialistic ends on the one hand, and feelings on the other hand, expressing themselves through loving acts, art, music, social safety nets, cooperation, and spiritual & human values. This fight can also be seen as a fight between our left brain and our right brain.

Science as determined by our mainstream universities and official institutions only applies itself to what the left brain is capable of and represents. Its methods cannot be used for right brain phenomena, and so they just pretend that they don´t exist. It means they arbitrarily, for reasons of expediency, forget and omit half of what humanity is – and by far the most important half at that.

It should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense, that we cannot manage with only half our brain, if we want our lives to even resemble the full potential of what a human being is capable of and is meant to accomplish, on any level.

We need to integrate the two halves of the brain in a balanced and functional way, and it is crucial that it is the right brain (corresponding to the left hand and the left part of the body) that takes the lead and wisely governs the urges and actions of the left brain (right hand and part of the body).

Our modern science is therefore a very poor guide for us in living our lives, even if it has been proclaimed the absolute overall arbiter to guide us in all our pursuits. Indeed, it has assumed the role of a religion, the doctrines and dogmas of which cannot be questioned. It determines the ruling paradigm.

Any true advance of our present science requires a paradigm shift, a generational shift, and breakthroughs tend to occur only as the old guard of paradigm-blind scientific authorities die or retire, leaving room for a new generation with an open mind, representing an expanded paradigm.

As has often been pointed out, our left brain skills, our materialistic and scientific achievements have shot off into space, even literally, but their guiding system, moral and ethical principals for their application, are lagging ominously behind. Our scientists have developed the technology to blow up the entire planet and wipe out all life from it, and it seems they will only be too happy to do so, as long as they are well paid. Besides, most new inventions are primarily put at the destructive service of the military. Can you see anything wrong in this panorama?

Most people have yet to become aware of what is at stake in this fight between paradigms, namely our spiritual and emotional selves, no less. In other words TRUE humanity as we know it.

The enemy is all around us. To the extent that we allow ourselves to be seduced by the lures of money and power, the enemy is even within us. This is what our religions have symbolized as the struggle between god and the devil, between good and evil.

Right now, at the beginning of the 3rd millennium after Christ, the fight between the outgoing and the incoming paradigm is reaching a climax and a critical stage of no return. It is the beginning of a new cosmic era, namely the Aquarian Age or, as I prefer to call it, the Aquarian Paradigm.

As previously mentioned, the old paradigm has taken possession of new Aquarian technology and is using it to promote its own perversely reactionary agenda. It starts with financial control through monopolies, wars, and narrowly targeted scientific research. including genetic and social engineering. It has consolidated all the political power, including the power over media that control what people are allowed to know, think and believe. They are in a strong position to enforce, covertly or openly as the case may be, their heinous anti-human agenda.

How is this possible, and how come so few people are still aware of what is happening? – In spite of the fact that, on some level or other, this fight has been going on for over 250 years, ever since the Aquarian ideas took root during the second half of the 1700s.

One principal reason is that the old paradigm completely lacks holistic vision. It only sees each detail separately and is unable to connect the dots into a meaningful larger picture. This is about to change with the victory of the Aquarian Paradigm.

Our old-paradigm society is based entirely on materialistic values, beginning with the power over food, clothes and housing, derived originally from land ownership.

Then, as the Aquarian Paradigm introduced technology and machinery in the 18th century, this power base was expanded from land ownership to ownership of other means of production and distribution of material goods. Recently, this power base has now been expanded further to the realm of ideas, information, knowledge, know-how and communication, very much Aquarian features.

Even if this has, to some extent, shifted the power to new players, our society as such is still operating on the principle of fragmented materialism. All is measured in money and what money can buy, so money is power. And power is money. As long as this is the dominating force in our society, money will buy people, and those who are able to create money will be calling the shots and manipulating our world according to whatever selfish and perverse desires they may harbor. And, yes, money is created out of nothing by the banks or the governments, in case you didn´t know!

The fact that the secret wishes of a few people with money is what is governing the world, is a rather scary realization. Forget about democracy. So far, democracy has only served as a slogan to control people without their realizing it. A kind of make-believe ritual to keep people calm, hopeful and manageable.

How can we put this into perspective?

Let´s go back to the time when land ownership was key to wealth and power, because it controlled both the production of food, housing and clothing, in other words everything that human beings needed to survive and thrive, physically.

Since land is a rather illiquid resource, and even bartering its produce is not very practical when it comes to aquiring goods and services that the land owner may need and cannot produce himself, some genius invented money as a means of exchange. And there is no doubt that money has been tremendously important for our material development, our quality of life and our comforts.

The problem is that money has taken on a life of its own, and as long as we value everything in terms of money, it turns into an evil master instead of a good servant.

Its´hard to say to what extent the hypnotic power of money over most people is inherent in human nature, and to what extent it has been fostered through the reigning materialistic paradigm and through the role money has been allowed to play in our society.

Historically and spiritually, we are now set to give birth to a humane and peaceful society based on love, equality, solidarity, cooperation, honesty, sincerity, tolerance, and respect for others and their right to be different as long as they don´t harm anyone. This society is none other than the oft-prophesied Golden Millennium of Peace and Prosperity.

Such is the promise of the Aquarian Paradigm, already 250 years in the making. But before that can happen, our social value system has to shift drastically from one essentially based on the possession of material goods, money and the power over others, to one where spiritual, human and emotional considerations come first.

Don´t despair. There are many fast growing movements to precisely this effect in the world today. Even if it may look hopeless from an individual viewpoint with access only to mainstream media and materialistic statistics, the possibility of reaching the necessary critical mass to achieve the definite shift exists. And it could happen faster than anyone thought possible. How fast depends on YOUR attitude and efforts to spread the message and join forces with all other like-minded people across the globe.

So, let´s all pull together, NOW!

Dr. Jens

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